Some college students get lucky and don’t need to work a side job to make it through. Others do need to consider part-time jobs for extra income. If you’re looking for a side hustle that allows you to keep up with your school while also supporting yourself, consider these kinds of gigs:
If you have experience with kids and are responsible, nannying can be an ideal way for you to make the extra cash you need while also making it easy for you to work a schedule that suits your needs. Part-time nannying is something that many parents are looking for, so if you know you are the kind of Mary Poppins that kids love, look on sites like to find the kind of side gig that can be good money and a job you’ll appreciate. Keep in mind that most sitter sites will require nanny background checks.
Dog walker
For those who love animals, dog walking is an easy and simple way to make some cash. It allows you to manage your own schedule and provides students with the freedom to make their own class schedule. You’ll want to consider working with more popular dog walking options like Rover or Wag, where you can find a plethora of people looking for people who would be more than happy to hire someone like you to watch their furry best friend. It’s an easy yet reliable source of income for those looking for a quick fix when it comes to their money.
Freelance copywriting is a gig that many people live off of in today’s world. It’s a job that requires expertise and know-how, but it is also easy to do from anywhere you may be. You may need to start off with lower pay at the beginning as you learn the tricks of the trade, but as you start progressing, you can soon find yourself earning more than you may have thought possible.
While you’ll want to brush up on your English language skills and take some courses to get SEO knowledge so that you can show up as an expert, for those who are looking to make their own schedule as they strive to graduate from college, this is a great option.
Most coffee shops need baristas regularly, so if you’re looking for a job that can provide you with a flexible schedule while also allowing you to go to your classes, a barista position could be perfect for you. It will put you in touch with people, help you make friends, and provide you with the extra cash that will make a difference in your life. Coffee shop jobs are one of the most popular part-time jobs for young college students.
Social media manager
You have a pulse on what works in social media, so why not use that knowledge for a side hustle that can get you the cash that you need? If you’re looking for a gig that provides you with freedom and that is something you have some training in, managing business social media accounts can be the ideal job that provides you with extra income.
Much like copywriting, you may need to take some courses so that you can stand out from the rest, but armed with more knowledge, you’ll be able to get a good side gig that makes you that cash that can make a difference in your life situation as you go on to get your college degree.
In Conclusion
Working hard while striving to succeed at school is something that requires hard work and dedication to the end goal. With these side hustles, you can ensure you’re making ends meet as you study for a degree that can help you achieve your educational goals. A flexible schedule can be a great option for anyone who needs to make their college classes.