About 43 Blue Doors: In 2016 we retired early from our corporate jobs to live our dream of traveling. We renovated a few foreclosed homes, turned them into rental properties, and got rid of all our belongings. If things go according to plan, our diverse investments should keep us on the road indefinitely. Our travel is slow travel in hopes to get to know each country better and enjoy what it has to offer. In each country, we look for at least one volunteer opportunity. These opportunities allow us to give back a little, and they also give us more insight into each country and put us on the path of some pretty awesome people that we meet along the way. We embrace minimalism and travel with only our backpacks utilizing public transportation. We love the freedom to move when and where at the drop of a hat. Occasionally, as a break from traveling, we house sit. This allows us time to relax, enjoy a home and usually a few pets. We use that time to catch up on our online activities and sometimes binge-watch a series or two. This blog is about stories from our nomadic life. We hope that our stories provide insight into other cultures and encourage our readers to travel to new places.
Year Started: 2016
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Cappadocia’s Fairy Chimneys: Hoodoos, History, and Hidden CitiesFebruary 25, 2025
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