About 50 Plus on FIRE: We are Todd and Wendy Christensen (aka 50+ and 50-), an average couple on an extraordinary journey from mediocre finances to Financial Independence to Retire Early (FI/RE). As a couple, we don’t want to retire on Social Security and a limited IRA. We have committed to eliminating ALL our debt by our late 50s and early 60s while building passive income streams that will permit us to pursue a meaningful life outside the 8-5 workday.
Year Started: 2020
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Hello and thanks for checking out my blog! First off, I go by the moniker "Cubert". Early Retirement, powered by Financial Independence, also known as “FIRE” — that’s the real premise of this blog. My career in technology has had its ups and downs, but for as long as I can remember, I’ve had a nagging itch to take on passion projects. Effectively, I just wanna be my own boss.
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So many of us in our 50’s, 60’s and beyond find ourselves with meager savings, debt, and few opportunities for a secure retirement. We want to get our financial houses in order, ever at this late date. Yet we don’t want to sacrifice for years to reach FI. Too late for that! We’re committed to living meaningful, interesting, full, and fun lives – now. Is it possible? Follow my journey as I work towards financial independence and explore the changing meaning of “aging well.” I’ll share wisdom from the triumphs and challenges of other late bloomers as well. Together, we can do this!
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Hi there! I’m Michelle and I live in Kitchener, Ontario, Canada. As you may have guessed from the site name, I’m a boomer. I was born at the very end of the baby boom. I am married with two daughters – one in college and one in high school. I have worked in the financial services industry for 30 years and I’m passionate about all aspects of physical, mental and financial wellness. I firmly believe that if everyone makes just a few small changes, we can have a positive impact on the planet. The goal for my blog is to share positive thoughts and simple ideas you can use right away to make a difference.
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