About actuary on FIRE: I am late to the game on financial independence (FI) but have a rough five year plan. It’s rough since I’m not totally sure whether the next phase of my life will involve working full-time or not. More on that in a later post. My current full-time work is pension and investment advisory work. I advise companies on their pension plans and investment strategies. Does that make me qualified to talk about FI? You can judge that from the content you find here. I’m fascinated by the huge difference in philosophy and financial strategies between the FI community and the establishment of actuarial thought and institutional investing. In particular, I want to explore in this blog the intersection of these two worlds. Can one inform the other, or will they forever remain neighbors refusing to make eye contact and not sharing cups of sugar?
Year Started: 2017
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Hi there! glad to have you on my blog. I am a big fan of personal finance and I am looking forward to sharing everything I know as well as point you to a plethora of resources available at your disposal. Now, a little bit about me. I was born in Maracaibo, Venezuela in 1980 and I think that makes me a border line millennial with some behaviors from Generation X. I was raised by frugal parents who taught me the value of hard work and saving for the future.I truly believe my journey to FI started with the lessons my parents taught me when I was a kid. I can still remember my dad saying .. “son, when things are going great that is when you should be saving the most because you don’t know when things are going to go bad“. In the context of FI, I can say this has been one of the most important lessons in my life so thanks Dad! The journey continues but now I plan to bring others on my quest for achieving Financial Independence.
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