About averagemoneyman: This blog is primarily intended to help continue the conversation around personal finance and investing. There are far better qualified and well researched websites out there, but I hope, if this is one of the first places you land on these topics, it can help point you in the right direction while picking up a few tips and thoughts along the way.
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Today I am financially independent, I run a cool little company (PopUp Business School) with a team of 12, changing the way entrepreneurship is taught globally and I spend my time travelling around the world working with some of the coolest people. Life wasn't always this way! At school I was the shyest kid you could meet, I struggled talking to strangers, I was paralysed by fear approaching girls, making phone calls or anything else. My family went from wealthy to £millions in debt and we had to do car boot sales (yard sales) at the weekend to raise the money to buy food. So what changed? This is what I want to share with you and it is going to be in 3 main parts: entrepreneurship, financial independence, and making dreams come true.
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Anthony has married his passions, investing and education. While teaching social studies full-time, he founded a registered investment advisory firm, where he constructed financial plans and oversaw $50 million in client assets. As a CFP, he has a vast knowledge of personal finance strategies; and, as an educator, he has a natural ability to explain complicated economic and financial concepts, put them into an historical context, and make the practical application of these concepts come to life. Prior to starting his teaching career, he worked in the financial industry, trading foreign currencies. He brings to Ritholtz Wealth Management an expertise of the inner workings of the 403b market. His goal is to build awareness of the conflicted advice and poor options in these plans, and ultimately bring about much-needed reform. His blog, A Teachable Moment, helps educate investors on how to protect their interests.
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I’m Mr. CC, a former seedy underbelly cook and former corporate world geologist. I’m especially a climber. Mrs. CC and I have saved and invested the majority of our income while enjoying a fairly bitchin’ existence, providing a work-optional life in our mid-30s. Do you enjoy thinking outside the box and going against the grain? Good, we’ll have some fun here.
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