About ChooseFI: Led by Co-Founders and Co-Hosts Brad Barrett and Jonathan Mendonsa, ChooseFI has become home to the largest Financial Independence community in the world. Every podcast episode, video, and blog article is packed with relatable, real-life content crowdsourced from the FI community. Join the guys each week as they share the best life hacks, strategies, stories, tools, and resources to help you take control of your money and get 1% better each day on your journey to FI.
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I created this blog to enlighten, educate, and entertain fellow physicians and other people who may have similar circumstances (high-income, late start, educational debt, etc…). My aim is to help those who want to help themselves and share some unique insights from the perspective of a practicing physician. I hope to leave you informed and inspired to look at life a little differently than you might have before.
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