About Crispy Doc: I'm a financially independent emergency physician in my mid-40s, married with kids, living in coastal California. My story of mid-career burnout in medicine was transformed by a financial literacy conversion experience. I pivoted from helpless to in control. I learned to manage my investments. I saved aggressively using smart strategies tailored to high-income professionals. I write for newbie physicians and other high-income professionals who are motivated but anxious about tackling their finances. I want to provide you blueprints for financial success while helping you avoid the mistakes I made. I also write for mid-career physicians at a significant personal crossroads (parenthood, burnout, divorce) ready to implement drastic changes that realign values with time. I want to share with you the tools that let me change the axis my life revolved around.
Year Started: 2016
Recent Posts from Crispy Doc:
The Evolution Of A Financially Literate PhysicianFebruary 9, 2025
Loosening The Purse StringsJanuary 26, 2025
Featured Posts from Crispy Doc:
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