Doing 100 Body Weight Squats Every Day for a Month

bodyweight exercises

This month, I’m doing 100 body weight squats a day. While this physical fitness challenge has been tough, there have been a lot of benefits which have come from it as well. In this post, I’m going to share with you how you can do 100 body weight squats a day for a month to become more fit and get in shape.

Are you looking for a body weight physical fitness challenge? Would you work out every day for a whole month?

This month, I’ve been doing 100 body weight squats a day.

Each day, no matter what, I’ve done a few sets of 100 body weight squats.

While there have been some days where I’ve been sore or tired, I still got my squats in.

Now, my lower body is feeling strong and I’ve also noticed that I’ve lost some body fat across the rest of my body.

In this post, I’m going to share with you how to do this body weight exercise challenge, talk about why squats are good for you, and give you motivation to crush this challenge!

How to Do 100 Body Weight Squats a Day for a Month

Doing 100 body weight squats every day for a month is a big task to take on.

When starting out, doing squats is tough and can be a struggle.

The first few days, you will be sore, but after about a week, the soreness goes away and you will see the progress and gains.

For your 100 daily bodyweight squats, you can do them anyway you want.

You can do wide stance squats, narrow stance squats, or vary the technique in any way you want. As long as you are getting down and have a good range of motion (getting your legs to 90 degrees is a great goal), you will be making the most of this workout.

Right now, I doing 5 sets of 20, or 4 sets of 25 (depending on the day). These 4 or 5 sets take me between 10-15 minutes to do, but if you can’t do as many squats in a row as me, then you can break it up into more sets with less reps.

Doing 10 sets of 10 is the same amount of reps as 2 sets of 50.

In addition, doing 10 sets of 10 could be spread out through the day to reduce the energy spent in any one session.

If you still think 100 in a day is too much, you could start off slower.

During the first week, you could do 30 squats a day. Then, in the second week you can do 60 squats a day.

Finally, during the third and fourth weeks of the month, you can get to 100 squats a day.

By the third week, your body will start to get used to the increased number of squats and will be able to handle this increased volume.

Working out

Why are Body Weight Squats Good for You?

There are many benefits of body weight squats. Squats are a compound movement which hit many of the major muscles groups: quads, hamstrings, glutes and core, and helps with balance.

While doing 100 bodyweight squats every day might not be the best thing to do for your goals and routine, bodyweight squats are a fantastic exercise.

Adding bodyweight squats to your routine will improve your physical fitness and will help tone the muscles of your lower body and mid-section. In addition, you don’t need for any other piece of workout equipment!

A few other benefits of bodyweight squats which I’ve noticed are:

  • Improved flexibility in my legs and back
  • Reduced knee aches and pains
  • Improved posture
  • Toned legs and butt

Whether you’re looking to lose some weight pounds, maintain mobility, or walk, jog or run faster, the bodyweight squat is for you!

Don’t You Need to Take Some Rest Days to Recover?

Make no mistake, doing bodyweight squats every day is tough.

One thing about the human body is that it is incredibly resilient and is able to adapt to tough situations.

From experience, the first few days of this body weight exercise challenge is tough.

You are sore, you struggle to walk, and you aren’t loving life.

But, after about a week, if you are sleeping enough, eating a healthy diet with a lot of protein, and not pushing too hard else where, you will start feeling more confident and better about your progress.

In general though, if you really need a break, then you should take a break. If you are on the verge of injury, then taking a day off instead of pushing through would be best.

However, I don’t think general soreness is necessarily an injury.

With bodyweight exercises, the amount of work and stress you are putting on your body is not an intense amount, so you can do it more often.

At the same time, as I mentioned, you need to listen to your body to make sure you are doing what’s right for your current level of health and physical fitness.

At the end of the day, incorporating body weight exercises and body weight squats can be very beneficial for you and support your current routine.

Would You Do 100 Body Weight Squats a Day?

Now that you have finished reading this post, I hope you are inspired and motivated to get out there and try this challenge.

While I don’t think I’d recommend it if you are doing heavy weighted barbell squats (there your body definitely does need to recover), I would recommend this if you want a change in your exercise schedule and routine.

Getting stronger legs and becoming fit is all about consistency. By doing a little bit each and every day, you can reach your goals of becoming fit, healthy and strong.

Readers: what exercise challenges do you like doing? Would you do 100 body weight squats every day for a month?