A few of us took some interest in the freelancing site Fiverr this week without having a plan down to use it and after my previous post of cold calling and Whitelisting arbitrage. In this post, I we’re going to go down to its most minimal actionable level. Brace yourselves, because this entire post is spoon-feeding you exactly what you need to to make passive income via Fiverr Service Arbitrage -a fancy phrase to mean paying someone else to work for you over a cheap freelancer website.
I made a lot of mistakes in Fiverr, whitelisting, outsourcing, and purchasing freelancing work. You’ll learn from my mistakes so you can save a year long struggle of getting things right.

This post is split into four parts, each with their own segment. I ask that if you’ve gotten value from this post to say so below in the comments.
Fiverr Service Arbitrage can be done can be completely hands off. Depending on your experience on WordPress and your hustle, it does not matter what your level of expertise is for this website builder. Depending on your skill set, you will be outsourcing work to developers for web design services which is completely scale-able. You can assemble a team of people who will spend a few hours to complete their part and profit the rest.
At the end of the day, you will be able to create a website with the core pages a basic site needs as you hand off the website to your client. Given everything you do is based off the work of an individual on Fiverr, charging $250 for the design will net you $200 in profit. If you offer a five-page website, the cost and revenue breakdown is as follows:
- Spend $5 a week for local Craigslist ads in an effort to get a payment of $250 to start the project.
- Next, you’ll spend 2-4 hours with the client collecting all the needed details for the site.
- You will earn $65 off a BlueHost affiliate purchase when you tell your client to purchase a domain and hosting via BlueHost.
- To Install WordPress, you can either use EasyEngine.io to rapidly start using it OR pay someone $20 to install WordPress and a good looking premium theme (2 hours of their time or 5 minutes via installing via EasyEngine.io)
- For $30, you pay someone to fill out the rest of the core pages that you negotiated for the basic website:
- A home page
- An about us page
- A contact us page
- A product/service page
- A privacy policy page
- Any additional pages you can up-sell for $50 per page while charging $5 or $10 for a 1k word article on a website.
At this point, you will have your client’s website completed and will have paid $50 in labor. At this point you deliver the website back to the client. Once you deliver, you need to be front and center explaining what the website has. At this point, the client is eager to get started. Explanation might take an hour and an hour of ‘support’ such as answering questions such as, “What’s my password again?” and “Where’s the Admin Page?”
That is the scope and high level summary of what the rest of the post will touch on. Now, on to the details!
Copywriting is the art of marketing aimed towards creating a sale through the written word. It is also a numbers game. I welcome you to post this SAME ad and see where that gets you – you can also purchase a virtual assistant who can post twice every day to your Craigslist account but you will find the same level of success by offering this to your friends and family off Facebook.
Contact EVERY single person, and show them this ad. You could press urgency and say that you’re looking to get a client this week; otherwise, at the end of the week, you would bump it up to $500. I’ve had cases where someone was told that, beat around the bush, and paid an extra $250 as a “hesitation tax”.
Get a SEO Optimized Website made for $250 right here in Minneapolis!
- Flat $250 fee for full website setup (if you order before 2017)
- 24 hour turnaround time.
- Will go through full setup with you, or do it for you.
- Will show you how to edit the website.
- Expert in setting up bootstrap templates
- Free Consultation for copywriting or marketing ideas
- Portfolio of my work: www.jakegosskuehn.com
Call/Text Jake to start: *Phone Number Here*
do NOT contact me with unsolicited services or offers
With your ad in hand, clients will contact you. Now, on to dealing with the client!
Now, let’s say you actually got someone interested. It’s time to get them to agree to give you $250 of their hard earned money. This is a question-based methodology that helps cement your position as someone who can genuinely help them.
Here’s how the story goes. You get a trickle of inquiries once or twice a day if you’re really good or one a week if you’re only posting ads.
For each one you follow the following mindset: you establish yourself as a salesman and an expert before offering your solution and price. First, you need to establish credibility. To show you know the market, ask them STATUS questions where it’s a one word answer to qualify them and understand where they’re at.
Status Questions
Uncover Their Issues
After you ask those, they know that you have some level of competency. The next step is to build rapport while uncovering ISSUES. These are longer form questions where you want them to talk a bit more.
You want to keep them talking, and you want to ask this question at least once: “To What Extent Is X Important To You?” This forces them to dive deeper into the issues they may have.
Guide The Prospective Client to the Sale
Now, it’s the time to press them. We’re not telling them that they have a problem. The more forceful you are in your sales pitch will result in a higher defensive state from them. They need to come to the conclusion that they need your services. Let’s guide them towards that through IMPLICATION questions like these.
It’s good to develop 3 implications per issue that they have. For the most part, they might just want a website. Others might want a web store. Maybe they just want to get this done as fast as possible. It might be good to press into each need they have for this by creating a need in their mind.
Close the Sale
After asking the questions above and determining the issues and wants of the prospective client, it’s time for the close. You should be able to just say, “to offer the solution I presented in the ad, I’m asking for $250 if you close by the end of the week.”
If your client is a local business, for the love of god, don’t sell a website for $250. Even though they say they might not be able to afford it, pick up top notch sales book that covers everything in this segment and after reading you will be able to pitch your $250 services for $2,000 or $3,500.
Don’t think that people would pay that much for a website? This business paid $3,500 and is full of spelling errors. Here’s what you can close with if you want to close a business client. (If it’s a friend or family member will be OK if you just say the first line.)
“So, would it make sense for me to send you an invoice right now so we can [[fix your specific problem]] and build that site?”
Now, once they are close, ask what they need. Most of the time they will give you basic requirements such as I would prefer a certain color or feel. Whatever it is, it is up to you to bring what they want to reality.
Great job. You have a client! Now on to making the website through Fiverr Service Arbitrage.
If you have patience, this will be a true test of that. Going on Fiverr.com and finding any virtual assistant to copy and paste an ad can be done. Negotiating $5 for 5 minutes of work a day for a month is possible but international workers are interesting to work wit and some can be great.
I’m not sharing my virtual assistant, but creating a request on the site with a description of each stage of your work will bring you 2o to 30 bids. Most of these are one sentences saying “BUY NOW FOR MANY RESULT FAST THANKS” or a variation of how happy I will be.
Thanks to the hiring info from one of our book review posts, you want to filter out people who have the hustle and speak English. The best way to filter through all the people who want to work for you is by adding this sentence to the the ad:
“Start your first sentence of your reply for this job request with Chocolate to be considered for the position”
Install WordPress Job
Anyone browsing in the ‘Install a WordPress’ job requests board already can do WordPress Installs. They’re just looking for bids. Now, those 20 job bids become 2 or even 3. Very easy to look at all and then close a sale.
You need to purchase a gig to Install WordPress. This is done by a technical person and will cost $10 to 20. Some people pirate their designs and don’t use the real deal. Make sure you ask if they have a licence for the theme. If so, then they will show you examples of what they can use. You can also purchase a theme for your client over at a website like themeforest or if you’re really into this you can get an annual license at elegantthemes.com for roughly $89 a year.
You then need to purchase a gig for someone fill out the WordPress Template. This is done by a technical content writer. The pages you have are already made, but you need to go through and finalize it. Telling your content writer of the specifics it just needs 5 pages is really all you really need. Excellently researched articles can be done at $30 per article, but you need someone proficient in English.
Now your gig is done and you got the site back. It looks great. Your client knows you’re working on it, and now that it’s done, spend some time to double check the website. Test everything. Make sure each button doesn’t go somewhere it’s not supposed to or that there isn’t an extra template page there with sample words left behind in the template.
Once that’s done, ping your client and schedule a time to chat for 15 minutes for a Q/A. This is where you could upsell extra services for $500/month if you had read this sales book. Give them the rundown of what you did. You made 5 pages, and they can login at the WordPress admin page. The default login for a WordPress site looks something like this (this is ours):
Login yourself as they would, and tell them how to make a new page. Explain that WordPress is everywhere and that they can easily find help on Google. This is where you can start to up-sell extra features.
You can fix their WordPress problems at 50$/hour. Most people think that’s too steep. If that’s the case, you can bring that $50 an hour down to $50 for gigs where it takes longer than 2 hours and you give them half off the first hour. You can even offer extra page creation for $50 per page. I’ve had people order 100 pages of content deliverable throughout a year where I outsourced every single article.
Conclusion for Using Fiverr Service Arbitrage
Well, there you have it – you now have the exact steps to start practicing Fiverr Service Arbitrage today. Create an free account on Fiverr right now and your first step will be to hire a Virtual Assistant to start posting the same ad above for you. It will cost you $5 or $10 for you to hire someone for a few minutes of their time for 30 days.
Leave a comment below if you think I presented value for you in this post.