About Dinks Finance: Dink (Dual Income No Kids) finance is a personal finance blog dedicated to couples finance. Dinks covers personal finance with the context of a dual income no kids relationship, as well basic personal finance topics such as saving, investing, budgeting and passive income.
Year Started: 2005
Recent Posts from Dinks Finance:
Married and in a Rut? These 10 Date Night Ideas Will Make You Feel Like Newlyweds AgainMarch 24, 2025
Successful People Swear by These 7 Personal Development Habits—Here’s WhyMarch 19, 2025
Weekend Getaways for Couples: 12 Affordable Destinations That Feel Like LuxuryMarch 17, 2025
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Thank you for stopping by the Best Interest. I’m Jesse Cramer. I’m an engineer and an avid reader/writer. The Best Interest started as my creative outlet, but it’s gained national recognition for explaining complex personal finance ideas in simple terms. And now I want to bring those ideas to you.
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The goal of my work on Of Dollars And Data is to help you make better financial decisions using the best information available. Ultimately, I want you to live a smarter, richer life. Though the ideas presented on this blog won’t revolutionize finance, they will provide you with a different perspective on money that you can use in your everyday life. I am sure of this because of the hundreds of hours of research that went into the more than 200 posts currently published on this blog.
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