About Wealthy Single Mommy: Hello! I’m Emma Johnson, a professional single mom like you. My goal is to help you build a full, awesome life as a single mom. I’ve helped millions of mommas with career, money, business, parenting, feminism, dating, sex, success, love, and relationships advice.
Year Started: 2012
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Hello! My name is Emma Johnson and my goal is to help you build a full, awesome life as a single mom. I started Wealthysinglemommy.com when I realized a huge need for community, information and inspiration for women like me: Professional single moms. Immediately after launching in 2012, tens of thousands of women every month started visiting, commenting and connecting on Wealthysinglemommy.com. The media started calling. Something special was going on. There is an unprecedented number of women parenting alone. We’re not going away. There are 16 million U.S. unmarried moms heading families, and 64 percent millennial moms have a child outside of marriage. This is an incredible moment in history that affords unpartnered women more opportunity than ever to raise amazing, healthy children while also building wildly successful businesses and careers – and enjoy dating and the pursuit of romantic love. I’m one of them. So are you. But moms like you don’t always feel like they fit in. So they come here. This single mom business is not easy. On the tough days it is stressful, exhausting and lonely. But life as a single mom can be brilliantly fulfilling – even if you don’t stay a single mom forever (hello, dating!). I am here to help single moms like you build an amazing family, career and love life.
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The name’s Amanda Holden, but my pals call me Mandy, Mandicakes, Manderson Pooper, A.Hol (get it? like J.Lo but…grosser??) and—you guessed it—Dumpster Dog. Ahhhh yes, ol’ Dumpster Dog, that’s me. What you’re probably not thinking is: For a young and single working gal, that is one darling nickname!! It’s okay—I love it. The nickname took root during a eight-month stint where I didn’t buy food (see this post for the gruesome details) and it has really stuck, glued to me like day-old bean burrito guts on a Taco Bell wrapper. The easy fusion was surely thanks to my preference for Birkenstocks and half-eaten gyros over stilettos and grooming; creativity over tedium, always. This brand of scrappiness is the very essence of Dumpster Dog, and accordingly, the perfect name for my blog on money!
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Amanda Abella is an award-winning content creator, keynote speaker and business coach who specializes in helping business owners activate their persuasion prowess so they can make more money and live a more affluent life. Her clients go from hating sales and marketing to achieving 90% close rates and closing multiple five-figure deals. Her work has been featured in Forbes, Huffington Post, Business Insider, Univision and many more. Prior to teaching marketing and sales, Amanda spent a decade as a financial writer and wrote content for companies like Wells Fargo, Discover, Credit Karma, Santander and more. She’s also partnered with companies like Capital One and Transunion in financial education campaigns. She’s also the Amazon bestselling author of Make Money Your Honey and has created a community of over 60,000 people across social media channels.
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I’m Kara We teach you how to make sustainable money choices that benefit you and our world. Your money is a tool that can shape the world. We teach you how to build wealth and live sustainably. Helping you change your money, so you can change the world.
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My tagline is to live a more purposeful life one cent at a time, and I think even after half a decade, that’s still my purpose. Though my blog is really about chronicling my own journey and holding myself accountable, I hope my message resonates with others, too. My husband and I are both teachers and we are new-ish parents, so I think our journey is pretty relatable.
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