About The Belle Curve: Blair duQuesnay, CFA®, CFP® is an investment advisor at Ritholtz Wealth Management, LLC. She works with the firm’s clients to create sustainable financial plans and investment strategies. She is a member of the firm’s investment committee, where she provides an advisor’s perspective and has a pulse on the questions clients are asking about their portfolios.
Year Started: 2018
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Mission AccomplishedMarch 21, 2025
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There has, in fact, been a welter of independent, peer-reviewed research dating back to the 1950s on how best to invest, and the findings are remarkably consistent. Yet although this evidence is widely known in academic circles, the investing public remains largely oblivious to it. Even investment professionals and industry commentators are either unaware of it or for their own reasons choose to ignore it. This blog is an attempt to redress the balance. My goal is to inform investors about what the evidence says; to explain why we don’t hear more about it; and to help like-minded financial advisers to communicate the benefits of an evidence-based approach. If you’re hoping to get rich quick, this isn’t the blog for you. I’m not an investment professional; I’m a journalist. The content on this site is for informational purposes only and should not be seen as advice. But if you’re looking for the truth about investing or, like me, you’d like to see this hugely important industry change for the better, then welcome aboard. Let’s enjoy the journey.
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Anthony has married his passions, investing and education. While teaching social studies full-time, he founded a registered investment advisory firm, where he constructed financial plans and oversaw $50 million in client assets. As a CFP, he has a vast knowledge of personal finance strategies; and, as an educator, he has a natural ability to explain complicated economic and financial concepts, put them into an historical context, and make the practical application of these concepts come to life. Prior to starting his teaching career, he worked in the financial industry, trading foreign currencies. He brings to Ritholtz Wealth Management an expertise of the inner workings of the 403b market. His goal is to build awareness of the conflicted advice and poor options in these plans, and ultimately bring about much-needed reform. His blog, A Teachable Moment, helps educate investors on how to protect their interests.
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