Know Your Blogger Series
Money Life Wax
Money, Life, Wax – what sort of name is that for a blog? Truth be told I get that question quite often, and the answer is pretty simple. Back in August 2017, I decided to start a blog titled, “Money, Life and The Whole Ball of Wax,” essentially focused on topics involving personal finance and life skills. I eventually rebranded because truthfully, the domain name was really long.
As the blog has grown, MLW’s mission is to help others with managing their finances, creating income, and providing them with the necessary perspective to live a meaningful life.
Check out our Q&A with Money Life Wax here.
As the blog has grown, MLW’s mission is to help others with managing their finances, creating income, and providing them with the necessary perspective to live a meaningful life.
Check out our Q&A with Money Life Wax here.
See how the blog, Money Life Wax, can help give you the necessary perspective to live a meaningful life.
Each week at Personal Finance Blogs, we publish interviews from amazing bloggers from the personal finance space. This week, we are featuring the blog, Money Life Wax.
During these weekly features, we are hoping to provide a way for you to interact and learn more about different blogs in the personal finance space.
Below, you can read more about the story behind Money Life Wax, learn about the author, and learn personal finance tips from Money Life Wax to help you improve your financial situation.
A big thanks for Money Life Wax for this interview! Now, we will turn it over to the author for this interview.
During these weekly features, we are hoping to provide a way for you to interact and learn more about different blogs in the personal finance space.
Below, you can read more about the story behind Money Life Wax, learn about the author, and learn personal finance tips from Money Life Wax to help you improve your financial situation.
A big thanks for Money Life Wax for this interview! Now, we will turn it over to the author for this interview.
Tell us about Money Life Wax
Money, Life, Wax – what sort of name is that for a blog? Truth be told I get that question quite often, and the answer is pretty simple. Back in August 2017, I decided to start a blog titled, “Money, Life and The Whole Ball of Wax,” essentially focused on topics involving personal finance and life skills. I eventually rebranded because truthfully, the domain name was really long. However, as the blog has grown, MLW’s mission is to help goals with managing their finances, creating income, and providing them with the necessary perspective to live a meaningful life.
One huge goal is to help 25 readers each year make $1,000 per month or become debt free – the financial peace that comes with this is exhilarating.
What Makes You and Your Blog Unique?
Obviously, besides the unique name, where Money Life Wax stands out is the perspective on life that readers get to read about. Most of the topics and articles go beyond surface-level stuff such as “How to Get Out of Debt,” and really dive into what it will truly take to accomplish big goals in life.
As a self-proclaimed Renaissance man (teacher, former coach & AD, blogger, writer, business owner, husband, athlete), combined with enduring some tough challenges growing up (losing a mom, having family members fight addiction, experiencing financial hardships at home), Money Life Wax offers a truly unique perspective and way of going about things. That starts with getting your finances in check.
What does “being good with your personal finances” mean to you?
While there are differing viewpoints on personal finance, hence the “personal” part, being good with finances starts with avoiding debt and paying off debt. It’s inevitable, if you take debt out, you will need to pay it back. However, I am also quick to say that cutting expenses is necessary, but it is not the end all be all.
What are three articles people should read to get to know you and your message better?
The article that put MLW on the map: Stop Comparing Yourself Financially
11 Reasons Why You’re Broke (& How to Fix It)
How We Paid Off $180,000 in Student Loans in 36 Months
For someone looking to improve their financial situation, what’s your best advice?
Someone who is looking to make big jumps in their personal finance short term should cut expenses, but long term they should also search and take action in learning how to make more money. Creating more income streams provides more options. The higher the reward though, the greater the effort, therefore at MLW I often write about taking daily action and stretching yourself just a little further. Things like not comparing yourself, running your race, tracking finances, and working as a team with your partner are key topics I like to hit on!
What’s an area of your life which has benefited from improving your personal finances? Have there been any areas of your life which have suffered?
My take on finances is simple = Improve yourself, improve your finances, and you will improve your life.
Don’t get it twisted, simple and easy are two different things. Change is a lot like skinny dipping in quicksand, it is very uncomfortable. And while I am not advocating you go skinny dipping in quicksand, what I am saying is that you must embrace change if you want to get better financially.
I only share our side of the coin simply because I know what focusing on personal finance has done for my wife and I. As a result of getting serious about our debt in 2016 and making sure we didn’t make all the common money mistakes that most do, my wife and I have a stronger relationship (this is the most important for us).
Our journey to debt freedom made us resilient, tougher, savvier, and better people. Challenge is what keeps us going and the serendipities of taking personal finances seriously are way more rewarding than even the monetary results.
In your opinion, what should you do first? Pay down debt, or invest?
We are team debt payoff first, invest second. Similar to the dog that chases two rabbits and catches none, I have no issue with anyone who does one or the other, however, we stand as strong advocates for debt freedom first and foremost. Debt freedom is stress-relieving.
Additionally, the lessons you learn from paying off debt are far greater (mentioned above) vs investing in my opinion. Lastly, the debt isn’t going to disappear, so why not just knock it out! However, what I will say is sometimes people who are focused on debt freedom make it seem like its all or nothing.
In your opinion, what’s better? Focusing on increasing your income, or focusing on decreasing your expenses?
As I mentioned above, in the short term, improving your finances can be done by cutting back your expenses. However, cutting out expenses can only save you so much, that is why in addition to getting debt free, I stand as a huge promoter of making more money.
Truth be told, as long as it is not illegal, I really am a strong advocate for anyone who is hustling. Once again, when you go create for yourself, you learn so much about yourself! Just remember – it won’t happen overnight, so take consistent action!
What’s a non-money related interest you have and what do you love about it?
Outside of money, something I am really passionate about is what I call “Stretching.” Whether it’s adventures outside, running, intense exercise, or facing fears we all experience, I believe life is lived outside of our comfort zone.
I find many people never really move on in life because they remain in a state of complacency. They talk about change, but they never take the step.
So something I constantly look to do is to stretch myself physically, but I also read at great lengths to improve myself and those around me! It’s sorta weird, but I am a weird guy to be honest.
Why do you believe learning about money and caring about personal finance is important?
When you get your money right, you get your life right. Money is simply a tool that affords more choice to those who have it. While there are many issues in society, at a basic level, there has never been more opportunity then today in history.
Taking personal responsibility of your finances goes a long way. You will be more self-aware, more humble, healthier, and happier. However, when personal finance is avoided, it seems to trickle in every area of our lives. Our marriage, our relationships, how we live, and so on. That is why I truly believe you get your money right, you will get everything else figured out around you!
How You Can Contact Money Life Wax for More Information
You can learn more about Money Life Wax at https://moneylifewax.com/, like them on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/MoneyLifeWax/, and follow them on Twitter at @moneylifewax.
Thank you for reading this interview, and thank you, Money Life Wax, for providing us with some great personal finance tips!