About Tis But A Moment: I’m Tis, a 20-something recruiter, startup enthusiast, and proud Financial Feminist. I’m striving to hit Financial Independence by 35 and enjoy the time it takes to get there. This means taking control of the little stresses in life, whether personal, professional, financial, or political. With one little problem solved at a time, the future’s been looking brighter and brighter.
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Life can be unpredictable. But I’m still seeing the glass as half full! Blessed with the love and support of my family and friends I look forward to all of the future adventures that life will bring. Determined to be successful in whatever I choose to do. That’s me. And I welcome you to join me on life’s interesting journey. Join the rest of the community for workshops. And peruse the blog. The hope is that you will find one or many things that speak to you.
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