Today's Budgeting Articles
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My Sweet Retirement Great SP Endowment Plan GREAT SP endowment plan is a short-term single premium non-participating endowment plan that provides a guaranteed returns of 2.00% per annum at the end of 2 years. The plan is offered by Great Eastern. Similar … Great SP Endowment Plan My Sweet Retirement

About a year ago, I wrote our first article about Enviro Ice. Companies like HungryRoot use this gel to keep items cold for shipping, and I receive it in my monthly food deliveries. Surprisingly, you can use this nitrogen-based product to fertilize your plants according to the manufacturer. I considered trying it in my garden, but for reasons we will get into, I didn’t actually end up doing it.  Since looking into Enviro Ice the […]

Planning for retirement can feel like trying to solve a puzzle without knowing exactly how the pieces fit together. How much do you need to save? How can you ensure your savings last as long as you do? And what’s the best way to estimate if you’re on the right track?  These are big questions with no one-size-fits-all answer. However, two prominent methods are often used to assess retirement readiness and guide financial planning decisions: […]

Budgeting is the cornerstone of personal finance, it keeps us on the right path, gives us direction, and helps us reach our financial goals. But for many, creating and sticking to a budget feels overwhelming and riddled with roadblocks. Whether you’re a young adult navigating personal finances for the first time, a freelancer juggling fluctuating income, or someone simply looking… Continue Reading→ The post 5 Common Budgeting Mistakes (And How to Avoid Them) appeared first on Cash for Kat.

After graduation, I purchased a few insurance plans, but now that I have a clearer understanding of my needs and what suits me in the long run, I need to make some adjustments. Life plan & Term plan Ideal life coverage: 250K – 450K Careshield under Great Eastern: considering Hospital plan A downgrade plan for both private and public hospital  that is reasonably good Shortlisted: Great eastern  Currently using HSBC life An affordable rider for […]

  A question has been plaguing me lately…   “How To Choose The Best Medicare Plan For You”   I’m turning 62 this month and inching closer to a decision I view with mixed feelings.   On the one hand, I’ve heard from many retirees that Medicare is a confusing web of options.  I have a friend who has spent hundreds of hours analyzing the options, and I dread doing that myself.  I’ve only recently […]

Budgeting can be complicated, and it’s easy to fall into bad budgeting habits without noticing the problem. Budgeting mistakes can make it much more difficult to reach your financial goals, so it’s important to identify any issues that could be holding you back. Everyone’s budgeting experience is different, but there are a number of typical errors that you may not be aware of. This article will cover a few of the most commonly overlooked budgeting […]

Click Here to Read the Transcript for This Episode This week on the Journey to Launch Podcast, I’m sharing some strategies to help you uncover extra money in your budget without working harder. By making small but impactful changes, you could potentially save hundreds—or even thousands—of dollars. I’m walking you through a simple five-day challenge designed to help you cut unnecessary expenses, lower your bills, and take control of your cash flow. In this episode, […]

One of the main tenets of this website is that managing your money shouldn’t be a lot of work. If you put together a few systems, you can be lazy and let your money work for you. I almost never write about budgeting. Most every system, I’ve seen requires significant work. I don’t want to write down all my spending. A long, long time ago in a universe very far away, I tried to use […]

The average cost of a new car is hovering close to $50,000 these days, and according to the most recent statistics available, even used vehicles average around $30,000. When it comes time to sign your name on the dotted line for a new car, Edmunds shares all available options. If you’re considering whether or not to use a credit card, there are two questions to ask. First: Can you buy a car with a credit […]

I love a new month to have a fresh start! Our grocery budget has been creeping up lately and I’m determined to stop it! I know I’m not the only one who feels like their grocery spending has gotten out of control. The difference is that I know better! I am a grocery savings expert with an online course all about how to save money on groceries. I just need to do better at following […]

March is just around the corner! Now is the time to go over some potential March expenses to include in your new monthly budget. POTENTIAL MARCH EXPENSES YOU DON’T WANT TO FORGET: GET YOUR BUDGET READY NOW! Don’t let another new month sneak up and wreak havoc on your budget! Sit down and get your budget worked out now. Check … The post POTENTIAL MARCH EXPENSES TO INCLUDE IN YOUR MONTHLY BUDGET appeared first on a life on a dime.

Retirement planning without a framework is like taking a road trip without a map—you might get where you need to go, but it won’t be without some unnecessary detours and stress along the way. A structured financial plan helps guide you toward your long-term goals while keeping you on track during times of uncertainty. Inevitably, there will be times when your natural behavioral biases will attempt to derail your plan. When emotions run high, decision-making […]