Today's Personal Finance Articles
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I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: I am a staggeringly dim-witted buffoon the optionality that financial independence provides is hands down the best part of FIRE. It may not be worth a death march to obtain. But a few bumps and bruises? Probly, yes. Or at least a broken whatsitcalled. You know, the thing that does the thing for the youknowwhatiamtalkingabout. I’ve exercised said optionality lotsa times since FIREing. As to gigs/jobs […]

Minimalism sounds great—less clutter, less stress, more freedom. But what if it’s actually costing you more than you think? Sure, those clean spaces and “intentional living” vibes are nice, but minimalism isn’t always as budget-friendly as it seems. Between pricey “must-have” essentials and constantly replacing cheap stuff, this trend can quietly drain your wallet. Before […] The post Why Minimalism Might Be the Most Expensive Trend You’ve Fallen For appeared first on Personal Finance Advice.

My Sweet Retirement Money Saving Tips for Youth in Singapore Do you know what are the money saving tips for Youth in Singapore? In a bustling and expensive city like Singapore, managing finances can be a challenge, especially for young adults who are just starting … Money Saving Tips for Youth in Singapore My Sweet Retirement

If you need extra money very quickly, side hustles can give you a financial boost. You can sell unused items, explore affiliate marketing, or take… The post Fast Side Hustles: Quick Ways to Make Extra Cash appeared first on Savings and Sangria.

When I began my personal finance journey I didn’t know much about anything. I assumed everyone had a mortgage, everyone had a car loan, and everyone scraped by just making the minimum payment on their credit card. I didn’t give much thought to retirement, and most definitely didn’t think about real estate. I mean only the rich and wealthy can invest in real estate, right? Well, as I started to educate myself on personal finance, […]

A friend of mine was trying to figure out why his financial advisor was underperforming the market so badly.  Over the past 5 years (November 15th, 2019, to November 15th, 2024), his portfolio was up just 4.8% annually vs. 13.8% for the S&P 500. He’s not the kind of person who checks his portfolio every… The post Why are My IRA Returns Disappointing? appeared first on Retire Before Dad.

Nature’s beauty provides a tonic for the soul! Today’s Throwback Thursday post features a poem inspired by a Vancouver Island sunrise. The post Throwback Thursday – A poem inspired by nature’s beauty appeared first on Boomer Eco Crusader.

By their own admission, today’s interviewee is straight from the high-earner IT professional FIRE central casting department. But as we’ll be reminded once again, everyone faces obstacles and Rich has had to overcome an early property debacle and some very difficult family planning challenges in their journey to financial independence. A place by the FIRE Hello Rich! How do you feel about taking stock of your financial life today? Thanks for having me, Monevator team! […]

Here’s our latest interview with a retiree as we seek to learn from those who have actually taken the retirement plunge. If you’d like to be considered for an interview, drop me a note and we can chat about specifics. This interview was conducted in December. This is from Millionaire Interview 176. My questions are in bold italics and their responses follow in black. Let’s get started… GENERAL OVERVIEW How old are you? My wife is 52 and I’m […]

  A question has been plaguing me lately…   “How To Choose The Best Medicare Plan For You”   I’m turning 62 this month and inching closer to a decision I view with mixed feelings.   On the one hand, I’ve heard from many retirees that Medicare is a confusing web of options.  I have a friend who has spent hundreds of hours analyzing the options, and I dread doing that myself.  I’ve only recently […]

Do you know how much you’re really spending on subscriptions each month? If you’re like most people, you probably don’t. And the bad news is that those small charges add up fast, and before you know it, you’re paying for things you barely use. But not to worry – I’ve got you! In today’s episode, I’m sharing seven simple strategies to help you cut unnecessary costs, keep only what you need, and save money without […]

What separates financially successful physicians from those struggling with money?  This is a question I’ve been trying to answer for the last ten years. I’ve personally experienced this challenge and realized it’s not just about income, investment strategies, or just sheer luck. At the core, wealth is as much a psychological game as it is a financial one.  As physicians, we want a clear roadmap, the one strategy that can make everything happen. However, I’ve […]

Today is Ash Wednesday, the start of the Lenten Season for Christians. Lent can be a great time to focus on spiritual renewal and refresh our financial habits. As Christians, when we profess to believe that everything we have comes from God, that includes our money. Are we being good stewards of the money that God has provided us with? Lent can be a great time to examine if we’re managing our money in a […]